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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Motherhood is a wonderful club to be in. In fact, 3.6 million women in the United States will have a child this year and 3.6 million more will have one next year. But motherhood can be scary because you want to do it right. Project Mom was founded to help keep those fears at bay. 

Our Story

Life With Children Is A Glorious And Rewarding Challenge And It Shouldn’t Be Scary

When I look back now on the birth of my first child, James, I still can’t believe the sleepless nights that I had. Not because he couldn’t sleep, in fact, we were blessed, unlike his little sister, he slept easily. But because I couldn’t stop worrying about whether I was doing this “right”.

Of course, billions of women across the world and the centuries have experienced motherhood and they didn’t have an instruction manual either. But then, I realized something, I might not be able to write an instruction manual for children but I could share what I knew.

There Is No One-Size Fits All Approach To Parenting, We Just Do What We Think Is Best

I am not offering a prescription for the perfect child here. I’ve certainly had my own ups and downs and struggles with my little ones and not everything has always gone according to plan. I am just offering tips and ideas that you might want to implement or you might not. 

There is plenty of practical assistance here and, in particular, reviews of things that might help you or hinder you in raising your kids. And we also feature sweepstakes and giveaways so that you can have some fun. So, sit back, take a deep breath and let’s enjoy being moms together. 

Our Experts

Our “experts” are all experienced moms (and a dad) that have raised children in a happy environment and who are pleased with the way they turned out. We also have specific and relevant expertise to make certain parts of parenthood easier.


Amy’s our founder and main contributor. She’s the mother of James and Lucy and she works from home to ensure that she can still spend time with her children as they need it. She’s a big reader and is always looking for interesting tidbits on parenthood to share. She wants everyone to know that motherhood is a fantastic experience and one we are blessed to enjoy.


Gloria is all about parenting being fun. Her three children (Simon, Patrick and Jean) say that she’s the most fun a mom can be and we agree. She knows games and educational development and is always on the lookout for ideas as to how you can develop your children without it feeling like a chore for them or you. She’s also great for hunting down sweeps and giveaways that are relevant to moms like you. 


Andy’s the only dad on the team and he’s in charge of product testing for the site. He hunts down cool stuff and then ensures that it does what it says it will do on the tin. He says it’s easy work because he has the help of his daughters Jennifer and Halley. It also gives him an excuse to spend more time with them than he might get in another job. 


Sarah Chin

I’ve been following Project Mom since it started and I’ve got many great ideas from this site. I also follow the competitions and giveaways religiously. I was so surprised when after just a few weeks, I won a box of toys for my kiddoes! They were delighted and it made me glad to know that the prizes were real too. I can’t wait to see what we win next!

Pashida Krupali

It’s not easy being a mom in a strange land and when we emigrated to America after my first was born, I thought I might lose my mind. It hasn’t happened, yet, thankfully. Probably because of the internet and access to amazing sites like Project Mom which keeps me occupied and thinking of what I will do next with Jasminder and Sunny!

Aponi Summerhill

I recently stumbled across Project Mom when I was looking for information and was surprised at how useful it was. I’ve enjoyed entering some giveaways too though I haven’t won anything, yet, I am very hopeful that it will happen eventually. I found their list of great baby books to be essential reading too. 

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